Recent Works
Channel Lineup
Second most visited page on the website. Complex and complicated application that features AngularJS REST calls, JSON feed consumption, emailing, printable view, numerical or alpha sorting, filtering based on categories and packages, user input searching, bootstrap responsive design, address localization, manual dropdown selection of region for localization failure backup, multi-selection of channel packages, removal of filters with instant updating of list, and dynamic image name generation. Same application works as either a standalone page or modal, all responsive.
Charter Digital Now
Single page AngularJS app with dynamic content based on user entered zip code. Challenge was to convert legacy jquery based page into AngularJS. Benefits included utilizing JSON information, templates and directives to cut down html and javascript code by 300%. Features include angular repeats and filters, jquery carousel, bootstrap grid, modals and framework classes, and conditional logic to display unique content for certain zip code regions. TV Page
Responsible for template development starting with this page, which will be in use for the entire marketing pages on Many common template features and functions were developed from this page including animated hash scrolling, price generation, channel lineup modal, localization modal, processing modal, sweepstakes submission and other behind the scenes functionality such as URL querystring $scope storage, customer session information and error handling.
Spectrum Enterprise Resources
Resources page for the Spectrum Enterprise site. Application with JSON data feed, consumed with Angular into a single page app to filter files based on user selections.
Spectrum Business Enterprise
Homepage and template development for Spectrum Business Enterprise responsive website. Developed responsive template and interactive functionality with AngularJS and jQuery. Was tasked with responsibility to build website as needed, with directory structure and any pertinent site functionality into the template.
Charter Switch App
Charter Switch application which was a calculator page to highlight savings customers can have by switching to Charter services. Complicated matrix of scenarios and animation of elements add flair to this single page application.