Channel Lineup
Second most visited page on the spectrum.com website. Complex and complicated application that features AngularJS REST calls, JSON feed consumption, emailing, printable view, numerical or alpha sorting, filtering based on categories and packages, user input searching, bootstrap responsive design, address localization, manual dropdown selection of region for localization failure backup, multi-selection of channel packages, removal of filters with instant updating of list, and dynamic image name generation. Same application works as either a standalone page or modal, all responsive.
Charter Digital Now
Single page AngularJS app with dynamic content based on user entered zip code. Challenge was to convert legacy jquery based page into AngularJS. Benefits included utilizing JSON information, templates and directives to cut down html and javascript code by 300%. Features include angular repeats and filters, jquery carousel, bootstrap grid, modals and framework classes, and conditional logic to display unique content for certain zip code regions.
Charter.com TV Page
Responsible for template development starting with this page, which will be in use for the entire marketing pages on charter.com. Many common template features and functions were developed from this page including animated hash scrolling, price generation, channel lineup modal, localization modal, processing modal, sweepstakes submission and other behind the scenes functionality such as URL querystring $scope storage, customer session information and error handling.
Spectrum Enterprise Resources
Resources page for the Spectrum Enterprise site. Application with JSON data feed, consumed with Angular into a single page app to filter files based on user selections.
Spectrum Business Enterprise
Homepage and template development for Spectrum Business Enterprise responsive website. Developed responsive template and interactive functionality with AngularJS and jQuery. Was tasked with responsibility to build website as needed, with directory structure and any pertinent site functionality into the template.
Charter Switch App
Charter Switch application which was a calculator page to highlight savings customers can have by switching to Charter services. Complicated matrix of scenarios and animation of elements add flair to this single page application.
Wordpress RWD
Redesign and re-templating of Wordpress theme from Bootstrap to Gumby RWD. Custom functions, auto menu generation, featured article slider and mobile ready development.
Image and Video Gallery App
Image and video gallery app built with a combination of 2 off the shelf JS solutions. Business unit wanted the capabilities of both galleries, as well as some custom functionality....solution was to intertwine the galleries via their API's and also add custom code for downloading of files.
Shipping Calculator App
Interactive shipping calculator with auto-expanding sections based on user input, able to email results, or download formatted PDF.
South Seas Data
Design and development of client website with custom Joomla theme and extensions. Custom conditional programming statements for different template views, content views, and JQuery and CSS2/3 styling.
Princess Corset and Lingerie
Design and development of specialty e-commerce store. Interspire shopping cart theme development, as well as custom php application development of thumbnail generation, random frontpage generation, brand images, and jQuery menu system.
Faema Source
Development of custom Joomla! themed professional website. JQuery effects enhance the catalog functionality of the website.
Development of custom Joomla! themed professional website with custom PHP code and JQuery scripts to round out the feel of the website.
Bank Street Bistro
Development of a restaurant website with a design to match the uniqueness of the cuisine offered by this brand new, eclectic fusion bistro.
John Davenport's at the Omni
Design and development of restaurant website. Technologies used included php, mysql and jquery.
Russell Hall
Dynamic PHP development of 3rd party designed website for paper industry. Features include client uploadable documents, flash animation, and dynamic php page content and title generation.
Designed UI of RestaurantsCT.com website, part of a team of php developers to implement Cake framework and database administration into a restaurant portal. Also implemented jquery framework for interactivity and pizzaz.
Massimo Pizzeria
Design and web development of restaurant website that includes features such as Facebook and Twitter feeds, Lightbox style gallery, client administered events calendar and an online contact form.
Elizabeth Richard Gifts
Part of team that developed a showcase for an online gift shop. Took previously designed PSD file and developed the XHTML, CSS and PHP into working website. Implementation of Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as Wordpress blog theme development.
Mariah's Wordpress
Wordpress theme development to match main website design. Custom php code and css added into basic wp design theme to make a customized solution.
LBC Advisor Wordpress
Wordpress theme design to match brand new site design for client. Dissolving of email newsletters into Wordpress posts to accomodate client request for CMS system and hands-on approach for interactivity, quality control and expedited publishing.
Geronimo Bar and Grill
Complete site redesign for popular New Haven restaurant and bar. Features include email sign up forms, contact forms, admin and user submitted galleries, menus, bio and events calendar.
Chef's Equipment Emporium
Website redesign and e-commerce solution for brick and mortar store delving with restaurant and food professionals. Design and development of dynamic user experience and e-commerce solution that features an in-store and online gift registry, information based static pages with javascript product and store galleries.
Lloyd Bedford Cox
Redesign and upgrade of client website to incorporate new and emerging technologies and social media websites integration. Features include live rss feed to frontpage block, css sprites, javascript crossfaders, administrator backend, dynamic php page structure, and Wordpress blog with Facebook and Twitter integration.
Assaggio of Stratford
New website design and implementation for a new restaurant. Client wanted to install a web presence to highlight the food, the atmosphere, and the night life. Features include a customer managed events calendar with database integration, photo gallery and a contact form.
Downtown at the Taft
Design and development of new website for hip restaurant and nightclub. Features include mysql events calendar, css menus, google map directions and php contact form.
Mercury Fuel
Full design and implementation of php based website for a local heating oil and gasoline merchant. Features include flash animation, ajax ad banners, weather widgets, php contact forms, and php breadcrumb system.
CasaMar Charter Cruises
Design and development of CasaMar Charter Cruises website that features a Shadowbox scrolling gallery. Technologies used include CSS, PHP, JQuery and Shadowbox.
Dr. Filchak Website
Design of website for Optometrist business. Use of php and jquery for website interactivity and consistency across the site.